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Businessfotografie Frau Winkelmann Businessshooting Anna Matuschka 2.jpg


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 Voice over artist 

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Image by Philipp Trubchenko


Listen & Download
German  |  US English  |  French


  • Host for four expert interviews for the "Messepodcast zur Hannover Messe" in English and German, produced by FundMusic.

  • Host for two episodes of "Messepodcast zur E-World" , a German podcast scripted and produced by FundMusic.

  • Host for all 13 episodes of  "Französisch en route", a German-French podcast scripted and produced by Babbel.

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Audio Guides & Tours


 Audio Books

Authentic Commercial

Explainer Videos

... and  more



Honest, clear, intelligent

​Have you ever heard a voice that went straight to the heart? Here's why:


The vagus nerve, though itself not involved in the process of hearing, runs close to the ear. As a fundamental regulator of the parasympathetic nervous system, it not only controls digestion and respiration, but also our heartbeat.

On a level much deeper than words and their meaning, sound has the power to bypass the conscious mind.

A voice can either trigger alarm, or restore a sense of calm. As a speaker, I am aware of the responsibility that this entails. My goal is to invite my listeners - your audience - into a receptive state of being. To be the angel by their shoulder - a genuine, clear, at times soft, at times engaging, messenger.

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Working with Anna was very pleasant, and the results turned out great! Anna has a natural, likeable and clear voice with an articulate pronunciation in multiple languages. 

Karina Indytska,
Language Content Editor, Babbel

Client / 

Let's give your project a voice!

Please tell me what you are looking for below, or send me an email, and I'll be in touch soon.

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